Sidelined since late May, first because of multiple injuries and now as he tends to a private family matter, Padres starter Yu Darvish threw live batting practi ce Sunday at a San Diego-area high school, league sources told The Athletic. 根據The Athletic收到的情報 達爾在美國時間週日在聖地牙哥地區的中學丟了實戰BP Darvish, who has been working out and throwing on his own since he went on the r estricted list July 6, appeared healthy and in good form, according to multiple observers. 根據目擊者表示,狀況看起來很好 While the right-hander has not told the team whether he plans to return this sea son, the throwing session indicates he is keeping that option open and marks a n otable step toward a potential comeback. 但達爾仍未告知教士本季是否會回歸球隊 Then, in early July, the team placed Darvish on the restricted list, with manage r Mike Shildt citing “a personal matter involving his family 七月初因為家裡的事離隊,被放入限制名單內 Players on the restricted list are not required to receive compensation, and it is not believed the Padres are currently paying Darvish. Thus, the pitcher poten tially has saved the team close to $3 million (and counting) in salary. Darvish, who turns 38 this month, is in the second year of a six-year, $108 million cont ract extension. 所以目前也沒薪水領 目前已經替教士省了大概300萬美金 6yr/$108M 簽約金6M 2023 24M 2024 15M 2025 20M 2026 15M 2027 14M 2028 14M
自己兄弟在家得寶遇到達爾 然後拿了攪拌棒請他簽名
所以感覺他一直還是待在美國欸 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
EVGAMIS: 無心打球了? 08/13 10:33
polanco: 不曉得是發生什麼事 08/13 10:33
AAaaron: 亞洲老大哥,加油啦~ 08/13 10:34
meta41110: 日本大樹哥0.0 08/13 10:35
Axwell: 中學? 08/13 10:36
piggyoil: 身邊有朋友被包養 08/13 10:36
huangjyuan: 不見很久了 08/13 10:36
Yjizz: 攪拌棒 ! 08/13 10:36
jiaxie: 2028打奧運? 08/13 10:36
pricek: 中學練球 統一獅領先全球! 08/13 10:37
ChinaGy: 之前是說處理家務事阿 有人猜跟弟弟有關 08/13 10:41
TwixBar: 亞洲最大包養平台上線了 08/13 10:41
ChinaGy: 不過球團跟日本習慣都很重隱私 就沒有人再追了 08/13 10:41
pb1101: 攪拌棒三小啦 08/13 10:41
RBC54321: 少領1億台幣 真的是不少錢 08/13 10:44
a30729: 攪拌棒 ?????????? 08/13 10:44
hantsao: 咖啡攪拌棒 08/13 10:54
boggicer: 這個包養網正妹好多 是真的嗎 08/13 10:54
danielgogogo: 上一個亂挖人家隱私的已經噴丟採訪證了 現在應該不 08/13 10:55
danielgogogo: 敢亂來了 08/13 10:55
megalodon35: 怎麼是找高中丟 不是小聯盟啊 08/13 11:14
hdotistyle: 攪拌棒 笑死 08/13 11:14
gswsb: 史上最貴攪拌棒? 08/13 11:16
Chiason: 真的有這麼多人在找包養 08/13 11:16
mashmabo: 希望今年還能回來投.. 08/13 11:37
TokyoHard: 感覺佛心來的好嗎 找理由不想領乾薪 08/13 11:39
moritsune: 老兄你沒有別的東西可以給他簽名了嗎,簽攪拌棒是啥鬼 08/13 12:12
abby1420: 全身上下只掏得出一根攪拌棒嗎 笑死 08/13 12:36
sunnyisgood: 達比修 有近況 08/13 12:37
Markell: 有人可以分析一下包養平台的差異嗎 08/13 12:37
indoman: 今年狀況不好乾脆不打? 08/13 13:45
angel902037: 感覺可以簽衣服吧XDDDD 08/13 13:50
Aeolus1981: 今年狀況不錯吧 08/13 14:22
yban63: 攪拌棒不好簽餒!很窄~~~ 08/13 15:25