大家安安突然收到一封來自 [email protected] 的信件,kroll好像確實也是FTX重組相關的網站? YOUR UNIQUE CUSTOMER CODE(S) AND SCHEDULED CLAIM INFORMATION IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL. YOU ARE RECEIVING THIS EMAIL BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A CUSTOMER WITH A NET POSITIVE ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 11, 2022 OF ONE OR MORE OF THE DEBTORS IN THE CHAPTER 11 CASES OF FTX TRADING LTD. AND CERTAIN OF ITS AFFILIATED DEBTORS AND DEBTORS-IN-POSSESSION PENDING IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE AND JOINTLY ADMINISTERED UNDER THE CASE NUMBER 22-11068. YOU HAVE BEEN LISTED IN ONE OR MORE OF THE DEBTORS ’ SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS. On March 14 and 15, 2023, the FTX Trading Ltd. and certain of its affiliated debtors and debtors-in-possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) filed their schedules of assets and liabilities and statements of financial affairs (the “Schedules and Statements”). Pursuant to the Final Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Maintain a Consolidated List of Creditors in Lieu of Submitting a Separate Matrix for Each Debtor, (II) Authorizing the Debtors to Redact or Withhold Certain Confidential Information of Customers and Personal Information of Individuals on a Final Basis and (III) Granting Certain Related Relief [D.I. 545], customer names and addresses in the Schedules and Statements are redacted. With respect to Schedules E/F – which identify creditors of the Debtors with non-priority unsecured claims (including customers with a net positive account balance as of November 11, 2022) – in an effort to redact customer names and addresses, the Debtors have identified each customer with a net positive account balance as of November 11, 2022 by a unique customer code (a “Unique Customer Code”). Your Unique Customer Code and an excerpt of your scheduled claim(s) are at the bottom of this email. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE COURT HAS NOT YET SET A DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROOFS OF CLAIMS OR INTERESTS AGAINST THE DEBTORS. WHEN THE COURT SETS A DEADLINE, ALL KNOWN CREDITORS, INCLUDING ALL CUSTOMERS IDENTIFIED ON THE SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS, WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE OF THE DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO SUBMIT PROOFS OF CLAIM OR INTERESTS. PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED THAT RECEIPT OF THIS EMAIL AND A UNIQUE CUSTOMER CODE ONLY INDICATES THAT YOU HAD ONE OR MORE CLAIM(S) LISTED ON ONE OR MORE OF THE DEBTORS’ SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS. PROVISION OF A UNIQUE CUSTOMER CODE IS NOT AN ADMISSION BY THE DEBTORS OF THE VALIDITY OF SUCH CLAIM(S) OR A WAIVER OF ANY DEFENSES THERETO. THE DEBTORS HEREBY INCORPORATE BY REFERENCE THE GLOBAL NOTES ATTACHED TO EACH OF THE DEBTORS’ SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS AND RESERVE ALL RIGHTS. To view all of the Debtors’ Schedules and Statements, as well as the Global Notes, please visit https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/FTX and navigate to the “Schedules & SOFA” page under “Quick Links.” Standalone excerpts of the customer data can be found under “Customer Schedules.” --- 然後最底下就有一個客戶代碼 然後也有當時在FTX裡面的每一個幣的正確數字 這應該是真正在進行FTX相關處理的流程email? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-site.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-site.org.tw/DigiCurrency/M.1680066825.A.1C9
shamanlin: 機翻看了很難過你還不如丟原文= = 03/29 13:32
shamanlin: 開頭是FTS trading ltd? 03/29 13:34
lemilktea: 有收到+1 03/29 14:07
tyc30827: GG,我沒收到信 03/29 14:46
shuo19971203: 剛剛有看到幣圈新聞有說FTX正在發信~ 03/29 15:12
VLADINA: 有人可以分析一下包養平台的差異嗎 03/29 15:12
alexott: 用AI翻 03/29 15:55
aaa4639jay: 是說有收到信的都是當初有填索賠申請嗎? 03/29 16:09
aaa4639jay: 我是沒填啦,沒收到 03/29 16:10
vm3cl4bp6: 沒填,有收到 03/29 16:42
m180: 收到後要做什麼動作嗎? 我沒收到 03/29 17:01
odemagus: 那個包養網人最多XD 03/29 17:01
penolove5566: 有收到信,有沒有大大可以翻譯重點 03/29 17:15
ppuuleo: https://media.ra.kroll.com/ftx/schedules/1/FTXSchedul 03/29 17:26
ppuuleo: media.ra.kroll.com/ftx/schedules/1/FTXSchedules.html 03/29 17:27
ppuuleo: 網站上有 客戶code 資產 有看到一筆 50BTC..來人阿 慘阿 03/29 17:28
ppuuleo: https://i.imgur.com/Nu3NY9l.jpg 03/29 17:31
yes500: 我妹上包養網被我發現= = 03/29 17:31
CLLocation: 沒填沒收到 03/29 19:58
shortoneal: 沒填有收到 03/29 20:18
haswell425: 沒填有收到 03/29 20:24
richardtsou: 沒填有收到,數量正確 03/29 20:30
hyuan: 朋友收到我沒收到 都沒填過資料 03/29 20:44
alexantiy: 隔壁桌的人竟然在討論包養... 03/29 20:44
Raymond0710: 我有收到 朋友還沒收到 都沒填任何東西 03/29 21:13
j49222106: 沒收到 03/29 21:16
Diwei: 收到了信,但放在ftx blockfolio的資產沒被算進去? 算了 03/29 21:33
Diwei: 已經不抱希望 03/29 21:33
f7504261: 還沒收到 唉.. 03/29 22:25
sowrey: 樓上是不是被包養 03/29 22:25
balancemask: 沒填也沒收到 03/29 22:56
SamuelLuo: 沒收到 03/29 23:04
flow1978: 沒填有收到,問了兩個朋友,沒填都沒收到 03/29 23:15
flow1978: ,猜測是分批寄送吧,畢竟人數很多 03/29 23:15
Khadijah: 沒填有收到,但金額數量不對 03/29 23:40
cw758: 未看先猜這包養 03/29 23:40
loxyz: 沒填有收到,金額正確 03/29 23:51
Eker: 沒填有收到 03/30 00:03
C10202: 沒收到欸... 03/30 01:02
tomsawyer: 不知道是不是按帳號創立時間排的 我的是044開頭22年3 03/30 01:48
tomsawyer: 月創的帳號 03/30 01:48
ludi: 一定又是這包養 03/30 01:48
aa840822: 有收到信,但是是從FTX digital(JPLs)寄來的.. 裡面的 03/30 02:23
aa840822: 資料該填嗎? 03/30 02:23
ripple0129: 有收到,那個時候說開TRX通道換成TRX結果還是出不來 03/30 05:22
ripple0129: ,現在剩TRX你妹的,不過好險只有一點錢 03/30 05:22
f7504261: 呼 收到了 03/30 05:23
peernut: 包養平台不意外 03/30 05:23
shuo19971203: 有收到 但我有跑掉 所以不用擔心 03/30 07:04
s1011282: 沒填沒收到 03/30 07:26
rinkai: 有收到,還在想是不是詐騙 03/30 08:31
hakuma0311: 有收到 03/30 08:32
j49222106: 今天收到了...,數量正確,然後我也沒填任何東西 03/30 09:48
xikimi: 覺得包養網EY嗎 03/30 09:48
Orisinal: 有填 剛剛收到 03/30 10:23
l1724108: 沒填有收到 03/30 10:29
loneloneago: 沒填有收到 但錢早就轉出了 03/30 10:47
chccang: 收到了,裡面還有折合台幣0.00004元 03/30 11:25
seiya2000: 請問收到信之後要做什麼動作? 03/30 11:35
Avero: 包養網站葉配啦 03/30 11:35
xd12346dx1: 沒填有收到 03/30 12:25
a79111010: 收到拉 不過也沒剩多少錢就次 03/30 13:31
amilus2003: 沒填 剛才收到信了 03/30 13:44
FaerieDragon: 我只有50美不想管 能不能叫他不要再寄給我 03/30 14:05
sunwait: 沒填今天剛收到 數量正確 03/30 14:28
ejoz: 記者收了包養網多少啦 03/30 14:28
weswes: 請問不會算blockfolio 的嗎 我居然只剩0.07usdt == 03/30 14:43
king29: 沒填有收到,所以後續要幹嘛 03/30 14:45
donaldmusk: 可以不寄啊 下面有unsubscribe可以按 03/30 15:22
SamuelLuo: 已收到 03/30 15:50
SamuelLuo: https://i.imgur.com/SKjDSVa.jpg 03/30 15:51
FishRoom: 包養真亂 03/30 15:51
SamuelLuo: 我的重點是25顆FTT 03/30 15:53
chengken: 今天收到 昨天看以為4炸pan 03/30 18:25
len53: 請問blockfolio的有算進去嗎? 03/30 18:37
b0921729606: 沒收到… 03/30 19:06
aspirev3: 沒填有收到 03/30 19:18
KsiR: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 03/30 19:18
chao105: 沒填有收到 在垃圾信箱裡 03/30 19:35
paoyuan: 有填有收到,blockfolio的部份也有算在內 03/30 19:54
mojito76: 沒填有收到,有包含blockfolio的金額 03/30 23:32
garufu: 所以這可以幹嘛? 03/31 03:00
aaa4639jay: 半夜收到了,沒填 03/31 09:08
peoples: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 03/31 09:08
C10202: 總算收到 03/31 09:45
eipduolc: 有收到但不知道能幹嘛 03/31 10:38
btcTOmoon: 沒填有收到但裡面根本沒錢啊 03/31 18:03
wahaha99: 沒填、有收、沒錢 (剩的錢大概不到1越南盾) 03/31 19:19
sheng76314: 沒填有收到 要怎麼領? 04/01 19:28
wilmer: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 04/01 19:28