前面先附上官方訪問連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb8s2JjTxXM
以下逐字稿與翻譯 ---------------- Q1:Jarred, we were just talking to Malik and he said in his meeting with Darvin and Rob, they talked about how they valued how you, him and D’Angelo helped changed the culture of the season. In what ways do you think you guys did that? And I guess, big picture moving forward, how important do you think continuity is for this team, for this group, going from 4 games in the Western Conference Finals to potentially having an offseason together? 我們剛剛聽Malik提到他與Darvin和Rob的對話有談他們很感謝你們三位 你、Malik還有D'Angelo加入之後改變了球隊的文化 你認為你們是怎麼做到的? 還有就是,你認為維持這支球隊的延續性有多重要? 畢竟你們一路打進了西區冠軍賽,現在可能也會一起度過休賽季? Jarred Vanderbilt:I think when we got here, we brought energy. We kind of just instilled how they wanted to lay the foundation here. Just energy, hard work, and continuity. I think that goes a long way. You look at a team like the Denver Nuggets, the team has been together, had the training camp, been through the ups-and-downs, and that continuity, it goes a long way. I think that’s what we’re trying to build over here to get to that next level. 我認為我們帶來了新的能量,就是努力替球隊打好基礎 保持能量,努力奮鬥,並持續同樣的拚戰精神,我認為這相當重要 你看像金塊隊,他們一起從訓練營到經歷賽季的起伏 這樣的效果相當驚人 我認為這就是我們想要做到的程度 Q2:Vando, obviously you’re known for your defense. Is working on your offensive game something you’re looking forward to doing this summer? 你的防守是你的招牌 今年休賽季你的目標會是要加強進攻的部分嗎? Jarred Vanderbilt:For sure. Summer time, I’m always looking forward to looking for ways to improve my game on both ends of the floor. I think for me personally, the matter that me taking the next step and next level, not only for the regular season but for the playoffs as well. I’m obviously excited to be able to have a full summer here with this organization, getting to work with these guys. Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. 當然,暑假我總是在想辦法怎麼更好 我認為我需要在例行賽甚至季後賽都能做出貢獻 很開心能夠跟這支球隊一起在休賽季訓練 我相當期待 Q3:That said, obviously rounding out your game is part of the theme professional every summer, but when we first saw you play for the Lakers was in Golden State and you were flashing some of those big point guard skills, but the role you’re asked to play was not that. And while it was a more minimized expectation, it kind of maximized your impact. What did you learn about fitting in to the structure of a team through the role that you played this year and all the success you guys had? 當我們第一次看見你替湖人打球時,你面對勇士隊展現了一些高大控衛的能力 但那不是你後來在球隊中的定位 或許角色變小了,但似乎放大了你在場上的影響力 你怎麼學會融入球隊給你的角色定位? Jarred Vanderbilt:I think about, a big part about being a professional is being able to play your role and being a star in your role. Obviously I think I’m more than capable of doing more on that end, but for this team, they didn’t call for me to do that. We have a lot of talented guys on that end, and for me, my main focus is locking down on the defensive end. So obviously those first couple games, we were down with no LeBron, so having our full roster, it calls for us to lock in to more specific roles. So like I said, going into this summer I’m still looking forward to improving my game. Each and every offseason, that’s the goal. It’s to get better, add something new to my game that I probably didn’t have in the previous year. So just being able to be versatile and be prepared for any role that I’m called upon. 我認為職業球員就是要能夠適應球隊給你的角色定位 當然我認為我能在進攻端做到更多,但以球隊來說他們不需要我那樣做 我們在進攻端有足夠的天賦了,所以我的主要目標就是做好防守 當時前面幾場比賽我們沒有LeBron,所以會有那種狀況 但當我們全員健康時,我們就必須融入更明確的定位 每年暑假我都在持續進步,想要增加一些前一年我還沒有的技巧和能力 目標就是要盡量成為全能的球員 隨時準備好擔任任何角色的球員 Q4:Vando. What was the experience like playing with LeBron and AD and how did you feel like you’re fitting and contemplating them and them also contemplating you? 你覺得在LeBron與AD旁邊打球的感覺如何? 還有你認為你能怎麼幫助他們,他們又是怎麼幫助你的? Jarred Vanderbilt:It was great, anytime you get to play alongside one of the great in LeBron, and even AD, guys with championship caliber. I just wish we had a full season, being able to go through training camp, but that’s one of the things that I’m looking forward to next year is being able to go through the whole training camp, the whole season. But I think the fit was great. Us coming in, bring in some youth, some size, some energy, and I think that’s what they kind of lacked at the start of the season. Our youth matched with their experience, I think it made a great mix for us, making that late season run and even that postseason run. So like I said i’m looking forward to having a full season, a full training camp, gettin our guys to lock in from Day 1 and just continue to build that continuity. 感覺太棒了,能夠跟如此偉大的冠軍級球員打球真的很棒 我希望我們能夠有一整季的時間,能夠一起參加訓練營 但我很期待下一個賽季我們可以一起經歷整個球季的機會 我認為這個組合很棒,我們帶來了一些年輕的活力,還提升了球隊的身材 我想他們在賽季前段就是缺少了這些東西 我們年輕的活力搭配他們的經驗,效果相當好,也讓我們一路打到西區冠軍賽 我很期待休賽季之後我們可以有完整的時間 從賽季第一天就可以一起拚戰 ---------------- Vando如果能夠提升一下進攻端的技巧 至少籃下放得進,底角三分一場可以穩定進個一顆 他在場上的影響力會更大 他這張合約會變得更加物超所值XD (推文裡也可以分享一下,下一個想要看誰的訪問) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-site.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-site.org.tw/Lakers/M.1685178818.A.E50
MadK17672: 推 用心翻譯 05/27 17:20
MadK17672: 我想看TT的XD 05/27 17:20
TorukMakto: 想看TT的訪問 05/27 17:20
gaucher: 推翻譯 JV要拿大約 今年暑期提升自己是當務之急 05/27 17:24
srwalan: 推,感謝V8這季的付出,V8暑假練投個幾萬球,好好把外線 05/27 17:25
AKNY: 未看先猜這包養 05/27 17:25
srwalan: 提昇上來吧。 05/27 17:25
kkl522608: 感謝整理分享! 05/27 17:26
rfvtgb: JV為了自己的錢途 進攻一定要長出來啊 05/27 17:27
TheoEpstein: 推一個!謝謝翻譯 05/27 17:28
LBJKO: 推翻譯 JV進攻暑假多磨練吧 以及對抗性 05/27 17:31
mysister: 一定又是這包養 05/27 17:31
dickenst35: 推 05/27 17:33
md3q6e: 推 05/27 17:35
BignoZe: 期待JV 05/27 17:35
brian199524: 不求其他的 底角三分投進吧 不然明年約到續約會很頭 05/27 18:01
brian199524: 痛 05/27 18:01
cir72: 包養平台不意外 05/27 18:01
BignoZe: 吃餅 三分有的話好用很多 05/27 18:17
lakb24: AD的分身,AD在裡面她在外面真的很棒,只是她進攻端真的 05/27 18:20
lakb24: 有點可惜了 05/27 18:20
s950260: 推 AR一票 想看他的年度回顧 真的顯著進步! 05/27 18:22
bemjamen123: 我大彪哥不能丟啊啊啊啊….有他在ad受傷機率降低很 05/27 18:29
ATrain: 覺得包養網EY嗎 05/27 18:29
bemjamen123: 多 05/27 18:29
thindust: 那來個gab的吧 搞不好不會看到了 05/27 18:29
tonyparker18: 快點練三分吧 練到穩定空檔35-40% 季後賽有機會上7- 05/27 18:31
tonyparker18: 8人輪替 05/27 18:31
tonyparker18: 進攻黑洞的話 不管防守多強都沒辦法上場 05/27 18:32
grado0802: 包養網站葉配啦 05/27 18:32
ae6892723: 三分有35%出手快一點就沒得嫌了 05/27 18:37
oooellis: 穩定空檔有35連Danny green都常常沒做到了... 05/27 18:38
oooellis: 35%想多了吧 05/27 18:38
lon0623: 在湖人好好練投籃吧!三分如果能35%,錢途無可限量 05/27 18:52
lon0623: 能守側翼又有3的有價值,像KCP 05/27 18:53
smilejin: 記者收了包養網多少啦 05/27 18:53
wii128: 底角三分能進 無可限量 05/27 19:03
truthzero: 很喜歡JV!但三分要加油啊 05/27 19:22
jerryyuan: 暑假去操體能,繼續追對面小隻Ace 05/27 19:28
NSYSUheng: 只要不是季後賽特別被針對 JV就很好用 05/27 19:31
risingsuns: JV底角跟八村一樣就爽了 05/27 19:33
qusekii: 包養真亂 05/27 19:33
risingsuns: 話說湖人可以跟dlo談了嗎 還是時間還沒到 05/27 19:34
TheoEpstein: 可以談延長,但通常不會這麼早發表。 05/27 19:38
TheoEpstein: 算是對還在比賽的球隊留個尊重吧 05/27 19:39
TheoEpstein: 基本上戰場在六月,總冠打完~選秀會之前。 05/27 19:39
risingsuns: 謝謝TE大! 05/27 19:43
Y949731: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 05/27 19:43
jetloading00: 推個!期待JV進攻也能長出來 05/27 19:48
ltmps: 外線外線外線 05/27 19:52
KobeisMVP: 推個!感謝原po分享 05/27 21:08
jamescle23: 這些訪談有些根本沒回答問題 05/27 21:15
jamescle23: Q4如何互相幫助 沒回答到問題 05/27 21:16
T730733: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 05/27 21:16
TheoEpstein: 因為這個訪談就不是要拿來回答問題的(笑) 公關展示。 05/27 21:26
sodistrues: 推 05/27 22:48
jamescle23: 那訪談好沒意義= =就只是公關一下而已 05/27 23:41
ljk476820: 感謝翻譯 JV進攻端長起來! 05/28 00:14
shomin215: 推用心翻譯!! 05/28 14:27
FireStation: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 05/28 14:27
cutejerry25: 推 05/28 14:43
cktony: JV! 05/28 22:52
YellowTiger: 阿彪真的替球隊防守端帶來很多活力 05/29 00:54
YellowTiger: 湖人明星賽後能防守第一他功不可沒 05/29 00:54