若有違反版規煩請告知 會立即修改/刪文 謝謝 【公司名稱】Prometheus Research Labs (PRL) 【工作職缺】Frontend Engineer & Smart-Contract Engineer 【徵求條件】詳見下方完整 Job Requirements 【薪資待遇】月薪NTD 60K起,可依實際經驗談 【聯絡方式】[email protected] 【工作地點】Hybrid, 50/50 【工作時間】9-18彈性工時 【公司福利】面議 【其他備註】老闆主管都是外國人,請有意應徵者參考底部how to apply寄相關資料至sock [email protected] Overview: Prometheus Research Labs (PRL) is the team behind Poolside, an AMM for value-acc ruing assets and Buttonwood, a tranching protocol for liquidation-free debt. Prometheus Research Labs (PRL) is a software development team creating and imple menting various DeFi protocols for the Buttonwood Foundation, including liquidit y aggregation, price-stabilization wrappers, governance, peer-to-peer lending, a nd risk stratification. PRL’s approach to innovation focuses on composability; smart contracts are designed to be building blocks, not walled gardens. Thus, th ey are open-source and as minimal as possible—we seek to build primitives to be used by the entirety of digital finance, not platforms to extract value from th e ecosystem. We are a team of historians, engineers, and designers, united by the belief that DeFi is not yet the future of finance—it is still struggling to reproduce fina ncial products that have been around for hundreds of years. To build the a new f inancial system, we must first rebuild old finance in a truly decentralized form . Thus, our mission is historically inspired—financial innovation has proceeded i n episodic bursts on the back of key inventions that rapidly spread in decentral ized financial networks. We believe historically-tested primitives can catalyze a transformation in how DeFi works and help give birth to tradeable fixed-income markets, collateralized leverage tokens, and, eventually, a fully decentralized “dollar.” ### Buttonwood Previous PRL projects include a liquidation-free debt protocol (Button Zero) and a double-sided auctions protocol (Button Auctions) under the Buttonwood brand. Other innovations built on top of Buttonwood include a flatcoin called SPOT buil t by Ampleforth and a convertible-debt market called HourGlass. The Buttonwood Foundation is backed by True Ventures, Framework Ventures, BlockT ower Capital, NfX, Bitfinex/Tether, Mechanism Capital, Bixin, Founders Collectiv e, and numerous DeFi founders (including from Coingecko, Balancer, Cozy, Syndica te, and many more). ### Poolside On existing AMMs, liquidity providers (LPs) suffer predictable losses for value- accruing tokens. This market is rapidly growing and includes the following: liqu id staking derivatives (LSDs), real world assets (RWAs), rebasing commodities, a ppreciating collateral tokens, and vault shares. After every value-accrual event, the swap ratio is mispriced and traders can arb itrage value out of the pool. Poolside solves for this by introducing a novel me chanism called reservoirs. ### Tranche Stablecoin This role will also help build a new tranche stablecoin collateralized by crypto assets that is liquidation-free. ## About You Great PRL engineers are self-driven, passionate, innovative, and have an affinit y for thoroughly designing and thinking through complex systems. As a DeFi engineer, you will work on frontend development to create reusable and scalable UI-components for an ecosystem of dApps. You are incredibly curious in general, and passionate about DeFi specifically. Y ou are excited to think about what DeFi can do and are not shy about new product s and approaches. Last but not least, we are a small team. You have a track record of improving ho w you work in teams, including working on clarity, frequency of communication, a nd helping others. You value robustness, minimalism, and speed in your code. Positions: * Frontend Engineer Responsibilities: * Work on frontend improvements and help maintain our various protocols * Write robust test suites for web applications * Write specs and review PRs from teammates * Work with the team to design, deploy, and maintain highly usable user expe riences * Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in Ethereum and DeFi Job Requirements: * 1-2 years of experience in frontend development * Fluency with reading, writing, and communicating in English * Strong experience writing React web applications * Strong communication and collaboration skills * Strong sense of ownership * Able to operate autonomously and transparently * Consistently able to deliver reliably within deadlines * Can rapidly iterate designs based on feedback * Interest or experience in open, decentralized, permissionless technologies , and the intersection of contemporary technology, economics, finance and govern ance. * Preferred: Willing to travel to Taiwan Bonus: * Preferred: Academic Degree in Computer Science or related discipline (Math /Stats/Physics/etc.) * Startup mindset * Familiarity with the dApp frontend stack (React, GraphQL/Apollo, Ethers, M etamask, etc.) * Experience writing modular, reusable component libraries * Familiarity with React Hooks * Experience with TypeScript in React * Experience with smart contracts and can read solidity code * Strong engagement with team members and active desire to contribute to vis ion * Enjoys interacting and building rapport with community * General knowledge and experience within the DeFi ecosystem: Active user of dApps, member of DAOs, etc. * General understanding of finance and tokenomics. ——————————————————————— * Smart-Contract Engineer Responsibilities: * Produce high quality, performant, and well-tested Solidity code * Research and drive high-level decisions about smart contract systems and a rchitecture * Specify, implement, test, and review smart contract systems in Solidity * Write specs and review PRs from teammates * Work with teammates to thoroughly think through edge-cases and possible at tack vectors * Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in Ethereum and DeFi Job Requirements: * Experience writing and deploying high-quality, well-tested Solidity * Knowledge of the EVM, blockchain technology, DeFi protocols, and Web3 ecosystem * High-level understanding of algorithms and architecture * Strong communication and collaboration skills * Strong sense of ownership * Able to operate autonomously and transparently * Consistently able to deliver reliably within deadlines * Interest or experience in open, decentralized, permissionless technologies , and the intersection of contemporary technology, economics, finance and govern ance * Preferred: Willing to travel to Taiwan Bonus: * Preferred: Academic Degree in Computer Science or related discipline (Math /Stats/Physics/etc.) * Startup mindset * Experience with frontend dApp development and React * Strong engagement with team members and active desire to contribute to vis ion * Enjoys interacting and building rapport with community * General knowledge and experience within the DeFi ecosystem: Active user of dApps, member of DAOs, etc. * General understanding of finance and tokenomics. ——————————————————————— Benefits: Comprehensive Insurance, flexible hours, equipments allowance, unlimited vacatio n How to apply: Please send an email [email protected] 100% of the following if you wish to be considered for this role: 1. Resume / CV 2. Git repo link 3. LinkedIn or Twitter URL (or another profile) 4. A short response to the following questions: * Which role(s) are you interested in? * When would you be ready to start? * What is your experience with Web3 and/or DeFi? * What is your experience writing smart contracts? * What is your experience with working with remote development teams? * Would you consider yourself deadline oriented? * What is your favorite Web3 protocol or Fintech application and why? 5. How did you hear about us? 謝謝閱讀及回覆 預祝各位龍年吉祥,新春大吉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-site.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-site.org.tw/Soft_Job/M.1707238950.A.B6C
gocreating: 這認真的嗎?6萬連香蕉都買不起欸 02/07 02:25
steviewonder: 老闆跟主管是外國人,開60給台灣人 02/07 07:02
nrox: 外商+區塊鏈開這薪水XD 02/07 09:37
ts00328685: 太低 02/07 10:30