作者laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
標題[外絮] Middleton已完成膝蓋手術 預計七月回歸
時間2023-06-09 18:41:36
原標題:Bucks' Khris Middleton had knee surgery after playoffs, expected to
return to action in July: Sources
(消息人士:公鹿隊 Khris Middleton 在季後賽結束後進行了膝蓋手術,預計七
作者:Shams Charania, Eric Nehm
Milwaukee Bucks All-Star forward Khris Middleton underwent successful surgery
on his right knee shortly after the playoffs to address an issue that plagued
him this past season, league sources tell The Athletic.
聯盟消息人士向《運動家》表示,公鹿隊全明星前鋒 Khris Middleton 在季後賽征程結
Middleton, 31, is expected to fully recover from the minor arthroscopic
procedure, and he should be back on the court in July. Per sources, the
clean-up procedure to his right knee was planned and scheduled prior to the
season coming to a close.
目前三十一歲的 Middleton,預計可以從小型關節鏡手術中恢復過來,並且在七月回到場
Middleton averaged 15.1 points, 4.2 rebounds and 4.9 assists in 24.3 minutes
per game in 33 games this past season and increased those numbers to 23.8
points, 6.4 rebounds and 6.2 assists in 34.6 minutes per game against the
Heat in the first round of the playoffs, but struggled with right knee issues
throughout the 2022-23 campaign.
Middleton 在上賽季期間,於三十三場比賽中,場均上了二十四點三分鐘,得到十五點一
Following a left wrist surgery last offseason, Middleton missed the first 20
games of the season as he waited for the wrist to heal and then worked to get
himself back into game shape. Middleton returned to action on Dec. 2, 2022,
and played six of the next seven games before missing 18 straight games with
right knee soreness.
Middleton 錯過了前二十場比賽,之後積極地使自己能夠恢復到競賽狀態。他在去年十二
During that time, Middleton told The Athletic that he was dealing with the
lingering effects of a left ankle sprain and blistering on both feet, but
overwhelmingly, it was the right knee soreness that was keeping him on the
在該段期間,Middleton 向《運動家》表示,他正在處理著基於左腳踝扭傷和雙腳起泡的
“I mean, it’s nothing too crazy,” Middleton said in mid-January. “It’s
just kind of what I’ve dealt with every summer ramping back up for the
season. Just getting my knee back accustomed to running, jumping, the force,
the contact after being off for a long period of time.
“I know it’s kind of vague, but the truth of it is that’s all it was. Just
the swelling and all of that, we couldn’t get it to go away. My leg just wasn
’t strong enough or conditioned enough to withstand it.”
Middleton 在一月中旬時,曾經表示:
This is an important offseason for Middleton and the Bucks. Middleton has a
player option worth $40.4 million for the 2023-24 season and needs to make a
decision on that option by June 21.
對於Middleton 和公鹿隊而言,這是很重要的休賽季。他需要在六月廿一日之前,就手上
在教練團新人事方面,Joe Prunty (曾任公鹿隊、老鷹隊臨時主帥) 和 Patrick Mutombo
(太陽隊助教) 將成為繼Terry Stotts 之後,另外的兩位助教。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-site.org.tw), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt-site.org.tw/NBA/M.1686307298.A.1A2
→ ZIDENS : 這個要開始戰官方譯名嗎 06/09 18:43
推 XXXaBg : 不知道會不會放棄明年PO簽長約 06/09 18:45
→ tyrone0923 : 他今年打這樣,就算有球隊給長約一定也被壓價的 06/09 18:48
推 Monetelliz : 打熱火的系列賽其實發揮的還行啦,但防守還是很炸 06/09 18:52
→ aefghutr : 官方譯名要叫什麼 米德爾頓? 06/09 18:53
推 Drither: 真的有這麼多人在找包養嗎 06/09 18:53 推 k960674 : 又老一歲 公鹿怕是越來越難 06/09 18:59
→ karmel : 季後賽表現看起來不錯(? 06/09 18:59
推 ZIDENS : 彌豆藤 06/09 18:59
→ karmel : 31歲應該還算巔峰 06/09 19:00
推 evol6381 : 蜜豆湯配紅茶 06/09 19:02
推 Notker: 有人可以分析一下包養平台的差異嗎 06/09 19:02 → jsliao9786 : 米豆湯今年問題是防守太好吃了 06/09 19:03
推 matsuwu : 蜜豆湯這幾季出席率都不算好,尤其這季一直痛 06/09 19:03
推 immence : 蜜豆湯這個譯名很棒啊 滿可愛的 06/09 19:03
→ ClownT : 板規不是說用英文或台灣通用譯名 蜜豆湯算台灣通用 06/09 19:03
→ ClownT : 譯名嗎? 06/09 19:03
推 Peycere: 那個包養網人最多XD 06/09 19:03 → matsuwu : 蜜豆湯的台灣通用名是什麼呀?真沒印象XD 06/09 19:04
推 e8e88 : 字母這兩年受傷也越來越頻繁 雖然說都是小傷 但公 06/09 19:06
→ e8e88 : 鹿真的開始老化 06/09 19:06
推 ZIDENS : 米道頓或米德爾頓吧 06/09 19:07
推 kauw : 一冠吹十年夠了 06/09 19:10
推 vd422: 我妹上包養網被我發現= = 06/09 19:10 推 jyekid : 蜜豆湯 06/09 19:14
→ karmel : 記得很多人也會用綽號當標題發文 06/09 19:16
推 ZIDENS : 笑死我開開玩笑小馬來很怕 06/09 19:17
推 beyondx : 他開始有點痛痛人的跡象了... 06/09 19:32
→ nottell : 蜜豆湯還算常見吧 06/09 19:53
推 lutano: 隔壁桌的人竟然在討論包養... 06/09 19:53 推 abin8125 : 可以來新北國王找他的親戚曼尼高 06/09 19:57
推 warmman5566 : 有人會噓蜜豆湯看不懂,什麼小圈圈用語 06/09 20:08
推 sasewill : 蜜豆湯根本是音譯了,版上也都只用這個名字 06/09 20:16
推 nastycurry : 過幾年可以來台灣跟表哥曼尼高合體 06/09 20:18
推 anoymouse : 不是蜜桃臀嗎 06/09 20:21
推 muiwo: 樓上是不是被包養 06/09 20:21 推 aegis80728 : 蜜豆湯至少還聽得出來是音譯 紅茶這綽號才爛到炸 06/09 20:22
推 greedfat : 范德彪 06/09 20:30
推 crusoe : 這幾年一直在養傷,公鹿版KT,慘 06/09 20:44
推 combokang : 板規就是那樣寫 上一篇我說有意見的去檢舉 也沒人檢 06/09 20:52
→ combokang : 舉 版主對這種的也是偏鬆不會主動處理 so 06/09 20:53
推 sunuzo: 未看先猜這包養網 06/09 20:53 → combokang : 只能說有意見的就像版主反應 噓文也不能改變什麼 06/09 20:54
→ Ayanami5566 : 加油 06/09 21:40
→ tomoti : 米道頓或米德爾頓聽起來比較香港跟大陸音譯 06/09 21:47
推 sycc : 蜜豆湯這種音譯的通常沒問題吧 有問題的是另一種XD 06/09 22:11
→ sycc : 另外標題用原文不要用綽號 方便查詢就好 06/09 22:12
推 UNIQC: 一定又是這包養網 06/09 22:12 推 Muma5566 : 聽說他想要5年220M? 06/09 22:15
→ SuikaJasper : 他也就爛這一年而已哪裡KT...而且31還算有機會回來 06/09 22:20
推 onionandy : 紅茶這綽號 我都不敢想像哪天古德利安進聯盟 06/09 23:40
噓 inmoohuadaw : 場均數據那段不用數字看的有夠痛苦== 06/09 23:57
推 crishding : 背影Kobe 06/10 00:20
推 dewaro: 包養平台不意外 06/10 00:20 噓 Muratlo : 不要紅茶這種爛譯就好 06/10 00:33
→ eno03 : 也是半個痛痛人了 06/10 00:33
推 ltmps : 彌豆湯 06/10 06:42
推 NankanAvenge: 他是膝蓋積水吧之類的嗎? 06/10 06:48
→ eemail : 211打個小前鋒 06/10 10:38
推 Elfego: 覺得包養網EY嗎 06/10 10:38