※以下僅放臺灣戲劇(電視電影的長片、短片)範疇 2023年第11屆《新加坡華語電影節》   網站:https://www.scff.sg 臉書粉專:https://fb.com/SGChineseFilmFestival 2023/04/13(四)中午左右(Around noontime),開始售票。 2023年第11屆《新加坡華語電影節》場次表https://bit.ly/3KyoUTA洞裡的月亮 The Reunion》|臺灣 Taiwan|2022年|90 mins|PG13(2023 SCFF)| https://www.scff.sg/project/%e6%b4%9e%e9%87%8c%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%88%e4%ba%ae 批萬臺劇板LIVE(與目前部分演職員資訊): https://ptt-site.org.tw/TaiwanDrama/M.1650025641.A.910 The memories on the taste buds, are those of growing up, of life, of past recollection, of families. In a sultry morning, on the top floor of an old apartment building in downtown Taipei, where a private kitchen is about to open, the female owner Li Xin-Yue has gone missing, abandoning the male owner of the private kitchen, her boyfriend Ji Wei-Ran, along with the unorganized storefront. In the old town area of Tainan, the roof of the old family Li mansion gets hit by a gusty wind, blowing away a piece of tile and leaving a hole on the rooftop. The wind follows through the hole, blowing into the Li’s, launching an upcoming family storm. The three sons of the Li who live separately have all returned. As they debate about the repair work, the conflicts hidden among their relationships start to surface. 《你的婚姻不是你的婚姻:聖筊 On Marriage : Wishful Syncing》 臺灣 Taiwan|2022|83 mins|PG13(2023 SCFF):https://bit.ly/3UwWEVZ ※東南亞首映 Southeast Asian Premiere Hardworking but unsuccessful fitness trainer Bao, who never bothered to use his brain, starts to think, which makes the God of Marriage and Cupid burst out laughing. He starts using every crazy, offbeat idea he can think of, and works with the wacky inventor Shan. They slowly catch up with Da-ren, who every girl will choose, with half-developed mind-reading divination blocks. Is the extremely ordinary Bao the one who can make Ya-ya happy? He must go against the world’s judgement of the happiness of his marriage and get the answer from the blocks before they hit the ground. 《你的婚姻不是你的婚姻 On Marriage》(c)Taiwan PTS、遠傳電信股份有限公司。 https://ptt-site.org.tw/pts/M.1652964835.A.CF1 ●華流短片展:短片驚嘆號 Chinese Shorts Showcase: Chinese Short Cuts  https://bit.ly/3KTVm4j  最後一票 Last Meal|臺灣 Taiwan|2021|25 mins|PG13(2023 SCFF)   導演 Director:彭之軒 Arrow PENG   演員 Cast:洪麟 HUNG Lin、林巨 LIN Chu、李全忠 LI Chuan-Chung Chou is a bit of an asshole and life seems dull and tasteless for him now. His habits include squatting, hanging out on the street, and teasing his old pal Deng. In his eyes, this is his whole world after being diagnosed with cancer. People call Chou homeless, but he disagrees. One day, he finds out there are still some tragedies that he cannot handle, out in Bangka, the neighbourhood they used to hang out and rule. 在其他影展放映的資訊:https://tyff.taoyuancf.org.tw/film/218  龔囝 Revolt with Dragon  Taiwan|2021|29 mins|M18(2023 SCFF)|護R6+(2022雄影、公視)  https://ptt-site.org.tw/TaiwanDrama/M.1660487797.A.2CB Yun is in the school dragon dance team. Every day after school, he practises with his teammates, working on their secret performance. Just as they are about to succeed, they are confronted with a huge, unexpected challenge. 心得: *原文就這樣寫,我就原文轉貼。 *希望各國影展、各國OTT影音平台能夠直接替臺灣建立「臺流短片展、臺流專區」。 BWEI的聲音,可以去鬧「海外(新加坡)的觀眾」了~~(鏘鏘鏘) 聖筊、洞裡的月亮、龔囝我都看過,品質都很好。 人在新加坡的板友可參考購票入場收看~ 孫可芳、黃迪揚《你的婚姻不是你的婚姻:聖筊》、《洞裡的月亮》 孫淑媚、何豪傑《洞裡的月亮》、 (未在2023年新加坡電影節的放映片單裡的)《公視人生劇展:趁她還記得》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-site.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-site.org.tw/TaiwanDrama/M.1681317905.A.55F
tinaliu666: 推 04/13 20:00
albuca0603: 借推一家子兒,真得很讚^^ 04/14 23:49