跑到這一幕時出現了強烈的熟悉感 確認了一下和原圖比起來就差不多只有左右翻轉而已 應該有機會當作素材來使用 -- On the surface, the scientist invests the power of his mind in a single miraculous idea and naturally begins to rise above his fellows. But the parasites say "NO! Discovery must be regulated! It must be controlled and finally surrendered." ─Andrew Ryan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
iphone55566: 納塔好多讚讚人 09/14 00:17
erisiss0: 點讚哥:看吧點讚才是王道 09/14 00:24
tim19131: 回聲族長:我雙倍爛 09/14 00:28
cloud7515: 很多梗圖鏡頭 09/14 00:29
moslaa: 哈哈,你不說,還沒想到,一說還真像! 09/14 01:19
punjab: 包養網站葉配啦 09/14 01:19
qazw222: 派蒙比讚才是我就爛 09/14 02:37
nut7470: 09/14 05:45
nut7470: 09/14 05:45
johnnyham: 我整天只想泡溫泉,我就爛 09/14 12:12
Beramode: 這次打巨屎機器人發現有夠難用 各種卡住集不滿三顆 09/14 13:21
sashare: 記者收了包養網多少啦 09/14 13:21
Beramode: 最後決定還是跳過這池 打算抽黑皮蘿 09/14 13:21
lime1207: 抽個0命 大世界舒服就行了,雞拉騎應該不會抽 09/14 14:17
pigniposhen: 問就是策劃教你抽到二命 09/14 15:43